Four Must-Have Security Features for Your Business
Posted on: 27 May 2020
Not so long ago the most you could get from a security system was a door with an alarm that could only be disarmed by keying in a code quickly in the control panel. Things are a lot different today, and you must establish high-level security to protect your business operations and its assets. Moving on from traditional security, advanced security systems today offer more cutting-edge features. For starters, your business place needs a system different from your home security system as the business is exposed to different types of risks. You will need to keep tabs on what is going on in and around your business to mitigate the risks. Here are the top four features to consider when looking to install a security system for your business:
Quality Camera Surveillance
Surveillance cameras have come to be a staple for business as well as home security systems because of their serviceability especially after a break-in. Cameras not only deter intruders but also give you peace of mind when you are away. Professionally installed cameras should be able to capture sharp and quality images and footage. As a rule of thumb, the cameras should have a clear sight of your business entry and exit points and be clear enough to distinguish the characters on a vehicle's number plate during playback.
Fire Alarms and Smoke Detectors
Fires destroy property, and smoke can be fatal, makes no bones about it. Other than these two, other elements you'll want to monitor in your business include carbon (II) oxide and water. Sensors installed at strategic positions in your business place help reduce the eventuality of loss should disaster strike as the sensors will give out an early warning.
Depending on the business you run, state authorities run periodic inspections on smoke and fire sensors to ensure that they are functional.
Robust Wireless Technology
The inclusion of wireless technology in security systems has negated the need to have phone lines running in your premises and simultaneously increased security by not having physical wires that can easily be tampered with.
In addition, this technology has also brought the capability to interact with the access control system wirelessly, enabling the business owner to remotely access live footage through a smartphone, tablet or other capable devices.
An Access Control System
An access control system is the best way to monitor and control who has access to your business. The access control system helps prevent the entry of unauthorized personnel and also keeps tabs of the people and accessed location through access logs.